Things I Believe In This Week

A hearty laugh with friends.

The older we get, the harder it can be to stay connected like you'd like. But there's nothing quite as beautiful and fulfilling as a good, hearty belly laugh with friends to show you that you never lost the beat, and confirming that those longstanding connections are not only possible, but worth it.

Heating Blankets

I've wanted an electric blanket for years, and finally got one this Christmas. It has been invaluable for this girl who is almost always cold.


They span across every genre, every race, every gender, every topic. Whether it's Lavar Burton reading you a story, This American Life making you think about society at large, The Read making you laugh at pop culture, or Oprah blessing your soul on Sunday, there's a podcast out there for everyone.


The elusive minx. My husband and I are passing a bout of insomnia back and forth like a cold, so when I can carve out time for a nap, I just about backflip into the bed. Sometimes you have to recharge your battery in the middle of the day like you charge your phone if you want to keep going. And the refreshed grumpiness after you wake up is a happy byproduct.

What do you believe in this week? Let me know in the comments!