Is Wasted Time Really a Waste?
Recently I heard someone say "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time" and it got me thinking.
On a daily basis, we are inundated with memes, coaches and media at large telling us to work harder, not waste time on things that aren't pushing you towards success, and anything that isn't moving you toward the corner office, the 6+ figure income and the public recognition is wasted time. I call that the "I'll sleep when I'm dead" crowd. Don't get me wrong, I admire the work ethic of people who are the first in the office and the last to leave, never taking a day off, really grinding to reach a goal. What confuses me about this, though, is the lack of a life outside of the grind. Maybe it's because I'm getting more in touch with my creativity that I'm seeing more and more just how much my everyday life contributes to me being a better me, thus creating better work.
Ultimately, I question if the time is really being wasted. I honestly believe that the connection we have to our everyday is the fuel for our successes. You can have the work ethic and the passion, but the secret sauce is having something in you to tap into that takes things to the next level, that makes it yours, that makes it authentic, genuine and marketable. Those life lessons, experiences, successes and failures can't be found in front of a computer in your cubicle. It simply has to be lived in order to be there to be used. Time you enjoy "wasting" is feeding into your experience. Your life. Your story. The story wouldn't be any good if there was no conflict or turmoil that must be overcome. No celebrations and happy memories. The time isn't being wasted; in fact, quite the opposite. I believe it's being used in the best possible way.