It's All In My Head

Not long ago, I decided to go on a path of learning myself, and evolving within my space. I was told about a book called "Think and Grow Rich". It's all about figuring out how to reach ones goals, build wealth, etc. I desperately wanted to figure myself out, and peer reviews suggested that this book could hold some of the answers, if only I was open to the message. The message I received from that book? It's my mind. My outlook. My perception.

My mind was everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. Negative thoughts polluted almost the majority of my thoughts. I'd forgotten who I was and didn't have the mindset necessary to rebuild. I was lost because I thought I was lost. The mind is a muscle that I'd stopped working out, allowing for negativity to seep in and attempt a takeover.

"You're not good enough."

"No one will care."

"You're lazy."

"You're a terrible mom."

I decided to stop taking all of that. I learned from that book and the Good Book that the mind is where positivity and negativity begin. It sounds simple enough, but it's definately a muscle that must be worked. It takes time and some serious effort. I felt weird policing my thoughts; I still do! The thing is, though, if you stick with it, you'll see changes, some immediately.

Approach the day with optimism. Declare before your feet touch the ground that today will be a great day. "I'm blessed, I'm happy. No matter what comes today, it will ultimately will be in my favor." And watch all of that be manifested.

Change your mind and your life will inevitably follow suit.

Have a great day; I know I will!

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Breana Young-Stallings